Trasduttore perfezionato - Transducer


Inventori: Lucio Olivares, Martina De Cristofaro, Agnese Coscetta, Angelo D’Ettore, Vincenzo Minutolo

Stato del brevetto: Concesso

Numero di priorità: 102019000004679

Data di deposito: 28/03/2019

Data di concessione: 15/02/2021

Ambito territoriale di tutela: Italia

Area Tecnologica: Applicazioni geotecniche e strutturali

Descrizione: The transducer is developed with a distributed fiber optic sensor. A cheap optical fiber for telecommunication will be inserted between two layers of composite material whose thickness is linked to the weight (g/mq) of the fiber to be used. Different types of resin, polyester, vinylester, epoxy, will be considered in the project.

Deformation distributed transducers will be realized considering three different types.

1)Optical fiber between two layers of glass fiber with polyester resin.

2)Optical fiber between two layers of carbon fiber.

3)Optical fiber between a layer of glass fiber and one of carbon (Hybrid).

The proposed transducer integrated in monitor systems, removing many implicit limitations of the conventional monitoring systems, become essential to develop innovative Early Warning Systems (EWS) for geotechnical application and “Structural Health Monitoring and Restoration” (SHMR) which is an effective enhancement of simple “Structural Health Monitoring” (SHM) as it is intended till now.

Applicazione e vantaggi: The innovation of the proposed transducers consists in the use of materials having stiffness characteristics similar to those of the optical fiber in order to solve contact problems.

The carbon fibers and glass fibers used also represent a protective element for the transducer and allow the transmission of stresses preventing breakage. 

Distributed fiber optic sensor
Geotechnical and structural monitoring
Low enthalpy geothermal energy resources
Long-term diagnostics of infrastructures
Early Warning System
Structural Health monitoring

Martina de Cristofaro
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